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Full Version: Please verify this rumor....... - jmcj
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I heard that we can rank programs that didn't offer us interviews and we can match. Some people are convinced with this fact. For me it seems a complete non sense. But i need some confirmation.Please respond. Thanks.
in another planet it may be possible, but like you stated, it is untrue in earth/usa/nrmp
YES, I have just learned it was approved on Mars in the Matching season 2011-2012.
I know one person who matched like that but it was in Jupiter when I was living there.
seriously guys!!! Smile LOL!!!!
I got prematch from program which i had NO IV...How about that?? Smile

P.S. actually in my dream last night.(lucid dream)
not really, even if they were blond...aint knw if santa cud or wud do dat either!
i am gonna rank Hopkins as first and Mayo as second choice ....
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