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Full Version: does this message? - matchingyr
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Does this message appear when every body logs on their nrmp page?
'Our email address,, should be added to your personal contact, address book, "Safe", or "People I Know" (for AOL users) list to ensure you receive our communications.
If popup blocker is enabled in your browser, you must disable it in order to use the Directory and other important features of the NRMP R3 System.'
pls let me know
no it appears only on the screen of people who gonna match ;-)
funny3 - you may have a point - i only see a partial address on my on login, this could mean i will only be partially matched? Sad
@mangoe --- yeah better start preparing for soap. Grammys won't help you there... but wait ... are you a blonde with blue eyes and white skin ? .. never mind ... you dont have a chance is soap anyway ... ;-)
LOL - go blonde..... ever seen the movie "white chicks"?? maybe i should do like that!!
well you can try but i got two words for you ... " Epic Fail "