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hi., i am an IMG from india. i received my step 1 score 2 weeks back and i failed (73). although i am starting to prepare again i am feeling very much depressed as my fnds & colleagues r saying that even though incase i get a gud score this time, my opportunities are almost closed
due to the failure.

if u r having genuine info regd the disadvantages of the failure pls post me.
they are almost right...and anyway the statistics regarding those who fail is not generous at all.I mean it says that the second time they either fail again or they get a low score..which is definitely a closed door to US.Anyway if you get a good score(above95) on the second attempt this will be ok.So try to be that exception.If you make it then sit for step two..if not stay home.
don't lose hope, I failed myself when I came from my contry last year, and took it again and I passed, not a great score 81 but passed, I'm taking step 2 now on dec 28 and I have 10 interviews for this match, there's other stuff besides USMLE scores like research which I did for 1.5 year on HIV in pediatrics, observership, clerkship etc, don't let anybody take away your dream just learn from your mistake and grow stronger. any other questions feel free to ask me, and remember use that 73 to see what were your weak points and reinforce on them, also use the NBME to correlate your score. good luck.
Hmmm.So the human destiny is in their own hands?since when this became the rule of the game here!!I TOTALLY disagree.It is yes may be true that second attempts are facing problems in getting a decent number of interviews,but at the same time people are getting interviews everywhere.I personally know people who just got passing marks and got in somehow.This guy is trying to stand up again and telling him to stay back home if he doesnot cross a so called 95% mark is just rediculous.I agree the statistics are not that good for second time scorers but still u cannot advice some one on the basis of those statistics ,making a stupid assumption that bcz statistics are this,u have lower chances this time!!!I read messeges here with people talking about 99 and no interviews and people with 5 attampts and some interviews.Who are these people?
There are many many factors that count and every one has the right to explore every corner and dont let any stone unturned.Stopping someone without giving him the option to try doesn't make sense to me atleast.people are doing everything they can to try.Does anyone of u is sure u will get in with the whole bunch of interviews this time?WILL ALL OF U WITH 99s AND FIRST ATTEMPTS WILL MATCH DEFINITELY????I know many who couldnot even enter US bcz visas were denied and they are back their huggin their 99s THINKING WHAT WENT WRONG!!
Plz help people to be positive.There is already so much passimism.If he tries and fails to get in,that is another thing but failing without trying is horrible.
I am talking from my very own experience...I wish I had known that from the very first begining. And it's my oppinion. Ridiculos or not this is the true. Better this guy should stick to my assumption work hard and fulfill his dream than listen to an overly optimistic opinion.
And yes those with 99s will 99 percentage. Moreover they will not be treated like some cows coming to interview some creepy program.Come on be reasonable!Criticism is the very first begining of lucidity and rationality.Don't confuse it with depression.Regarding those guys with 99s and no interviews: if this is true is even worse than I thought it would be...but I have my doubts.ALL MY FRIENDS that passed with scores in the 90th(5-6 people) have more than 10 interviews.Not to mention they already signed the prematch.
gogoasa i agree wid u
some people dont know a lot so its natural
but one shoulnt give up hope anyways
I respect your opinion gogoasa.But u r setting very high standards firstly,and if I agree to that too for a moment,its unfair to just jump to the conclusion that if u r a low scorer then u should not attempt step 2.WHY NOT?Every person who sets foot in to this mess called USMLE knows he has to score in the 90s but its a reality too that not everyone is getting that.What is the percentage for the people actually scoring in 90s?As far as my knolwedge is 5 to 10%.Whenever some one talks about general things,they talk about majority and the fact is majority is not double 99 here.People at the age of 40 have started their residencies,people with 75 have started residencies,and people with 99s are sitting in their homes..These are the facts too gogoasa.Who doesnot dream of scoring a 99?This guy also sat for the exam with the same dream but if he couldnot make it,it doesnot take away the right to sit for step 2.I may be am not participating in the match as u all are this year,but still I am striving for 99 and if I didnot get 99,i dont agree doors are closed for me.I am talking about persistance and honestly,on this same forum,people are working hard in hospitals doing research and observerships and studying and striving for the match...when they know the game is over for them,why do they even bother to try?why are they working so hard every year,every day?
My point is simply that he should try for 90+grades but if he doesnot get it,he should work harder in step 2 and make it happen.even if he cannot get it there,go for it in the terms of usce whatever.U guys are practically in match,may be u know better...but for me ,my plans for my life are a bit different and i wont give up just bcz i dont have a double 99.
to lisy

Dufa ho purhai karo
to victor I have no reason to lie, I have 10 interviews and I only apply with CS and step 1 score of 81, but like I told him there are other stuff besides usmle scores, where do you have interview maybe we have one on the same day, my schedule:

mid hudson FP dec16
woodhull IM jan 06
san antonio texas jan09
niagara falls FP jan 11
albert einsten jan 12
st Elizabeth chicago jan 17
cook county jan 19
michael reise 26
east carolina university on wait list
atlanta medical center feb 11

how many interviews you have and what are you scores.
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