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Full Version: I have a concern here... - azeb
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I applied and interviewed categorical IM
...In the ROL In addtion to the categorical IM Can we include preliminary and primary programs to broaden our chance of matching. I know it is an odd claim, but a very close friend of mine advice me as such. He substantiates his evidence that He was told by the faculty staff and chief resident at one of the community programs at NY
Totally I was not convinced.
what is your take here? Appreciated
my opinion not possible - you will be ranked based on what you were interviewed for - either cat or prelim. maybe others will provide differing input.
you talking about prince george rt?
PG, Maryland General Hospital, Richmond, and so on
Mangoe i am looking for a lost friend , did u see him?

azi, it is good the way you list, but you know that we dream but they choose us.
Do not worry one way or another you are matched!!

......and How do you address the concern?
They create a rank list for the track u interviewed for only. Prelims and categorical tracks are there for a reason.
byechance12, sure how can i help you find your friend?
Concerns/confusion etc etc Smile
It does not hurt to enter both.

Agree 1001 %. That was exactly what I initially responded to my friend
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