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Full Version: Clinical Fellowship Position Available (July 2012) - eishi_asano1
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UNEXPECTED OPENING in Clinical Neurophysiology & Epilepsy Fellowship
@ Children’s Hospital of Michigan (starts: 07/01/2012)

We have an opening for a neurophysiology fellow starting July, 2012 (for 1 or 2 years). The duty includes: outpatient clinics in pediatric neurology and epilepsy, reading EEG, evoked potentials, epilepsy monitoring, functional brain mapping. We will take into account your residency training (pediatrics, neurology or neurosurgery) in your home country.

There are plenty of opportunities to write papers in neurophysiology, neuroimaging, genetics and neuropsychology. This is the only pediatric institute in the world with its own PET Center. The fellow can gain valuable experience for private practice or academic career. Please send your CV to me.

"Interview via Skype is possible."
"Outstanidng public & private schools for your children."

Eishi Asano, MD, PhD, MS: Director of Electroneurodiagnostic.

Eishi Asano, MD, PhD, MS; Children's Hospital of Michigan. 3901 Beaubien St, Detroit, MI 48201, USA; Phone: +1-313-745-5563; Email: eishi{at}; You need to replace {at} with @ to email me.

GOLD MINE for free univ based externships
sami2005 - 02/24/12 19:54

I found this from a friend- it is too late for me but it may help you!


Externships (free-in ALL FIELDS of medicine ), NON-Competetive residency programs that take old imgs and multiple failed imgs, physician assistant programs scholarships,USMLE course ratings