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Full Version: message from eras - dumanu
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call : yes, we have bought all the shit on our own!
lemme correct ur statement abt our designated dean:
" Our designated dean's office is good for just processing paper work and verifying credentials...and TO TAKE OUR $$$$". good business!
chipliza : seems u r one of those amgs or dos or careeb grads with LINK BIG TIME , ok?
let me tell u this, i have usce and have seen many who use it this way, so plz close ur mouth if u dont knw or if u r covering up something, ok?
yes, dean/pds and attending DO call for their beloved ones to help them to secure a slot. it gives them credit to show that all of their med students matched.
careeb schools do this to attract $$ppl for the upcoming yrs, so ppl wud pay them to hope to make it at the end.

Honey!!! dont worry about my creds...i dont have to cover up anything I am an IMG from india... who has almost 6 months of usce but not a single interview becuase of a cs attempt and no step 3 score at the time of application... I hate the system just as much as you do... Soap will streamline everything for programs, will cut the noisy day due to phone calls and allow them to choose US grads over us... thats another story...

what you said does happen and it has been happening since many years, we want it to change but it wont...

read what i said again... I was talking about your interpretation of what the eras people are trying to convey through their email... what you said might /might not be true... that doesnt bother me, but you are presenting your explanation as if the eras people actually meant what you said... do you think the eras people meant what you were saying??? You cannot say that your explanation is the meaning of the eras email... thats all... you can have any opinion as you want, i wont oppose you... but to blame eras and say that this particular explanation of yours was what they actually meant by that sentence... that is wrong...

I received the email too and it helped me a lot as I had questions about how eras would work.

Now, @mery, I agree with you, but as @call said we brought it upon ourselves. @chipiliza, logical explaination but still doubtful what goes on behind our (IMGs) back. Having said that there is also a lot that goes on in the IMGs backyard. So hey - it is what it is!

I know... my opinions were regarding the email, thats it... i can write thousands of pages of the stuff that actually happens... i am with you guys... my intention is to point towards the real source of the problem...
yes, ppl it is wht it is and hope for the best . we bought it ourselves and cant blame on anyone for such. if God wants us to get it, we will and He will help us to get in. good luck to all
agreed with chipliza...
Frankly i'm curious... don't understand why some ppl leave their own country, and then come to USA, expecting to be treated on par with the AMG's..i'm also indian IMG. I don't think we are competing with AMG's.. Most of us are competing amongst ourselves and the carib grads for spots at IMG frndly programs.. In fact the favoritism and contacts is rampant at IMG frndly places.. Telugu pd's take in telugu grads, mallu pd's mallu grads, gujju pd's gujju grads or grads from a specific med school only etc etc(just giving eg's.. i dont mean to pinpoint or anything) And if you're frm india, m sure ur very familiar with the favoritism, politics and behind the scene nonsense that goes on in a lot of institutes there. Then y do we come here and put on a victimized attitude?

We may be brighter, have great scores, better clinical experience than any of the AMG's - after all which AMG can say they've pulled a 24 hr shift, conducted over 80 deliveries, handled most of the icu emergencies on their own, ever seen a case of mitral stenosis or leprosy etc etc.. but fact is..we are the ones trying to get into their system.. we go by their rules- fair or not.
They are citizens of this country and I find it totally understandable if they are given preference.. But when it comes to IMG's getting in thro contacts (when they dont deserve it) - maybe thats wat we shud worry about. So really.. enuf with the conspiracy theories! Wink

if grads frm all over the world were coming to my country for residency.. I would expect to be given preference over them. same goes for any country. M not a USA worshipper, but the fact that they are taking in so many foreign grads amazes me. (well.. needless to say.. they do need us... Would any AMG dream of even applying to Bronx let alone working there?) Smile
@doc maria

right on!!!

and one more thing i want to add here... favoritism and contacts are there for both AMG's and IMG's and honestly speaking favoritism towards AMG's atleast has some basis, it can justified by their credentials, i have not seen an american grad being supported when he is a dumb idiot... If favoritism is being shown towards AMG's it means that they are really good at what they do... even people who write LOR's think before they write them... if they write in support of an incapable candidate it tarnishes their image also...

lets not take this personally but can anyone honestly say that favoritism towards IMG's is similar??? as an IMG i have seen plenty of people with failed exams, low scores, very little USCE get into wonderful programs just because they had their spouse/relative in the program... Many IMGs have no basis for being selected on the basis of favoritism... when they are being recommended no one looks at their credentials... as docmaria said, they look at your community, caste etc etc and day by day the situation is turning to be more like what we see in india... it sucks, but hey... can you do anything about it right now???? i personallly chose the US because its different from india and here i am shocked on seeing that its the same here too...

specifically to those who think that USMLE is unfair to IMGs:

dont blame AMG's and their medical schools... we need to blame ourselves... its a competitve world out there and like it or not these are the rules by which this game is played... if you want to whine about favoritism, and this pathetic situation then you better back off to your home country, because frankly even if you get into a program you wont be able to handle yourself if you have this sort of mindset... forgive me for being so harsh, but i have seen enough and i know how it is...

I am still waiting for an apology from you for being so rude to me Tongue Smile LOL!!!
when will they release the unmatched positions? thanx
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