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Hi guys , my question is when we check the PPD and if its positive we will go then with chest x-ray , if the x-ray abnormal then we have to check sputum staining for t.b , and if its +ve , which option we have to proceed ? INH for 9 months or all the 4 Anti TB for 6 months . thanks
all anti TB drugs. only INH plus Pyridoxine for latent infection
Good luck
thanks failsalkhan777
if PPD +, isoniazid+b6 9m
if PPD+, check CXR, if CXR-, isoniazid+b6 9m
if CXR+,check sputum, if sputum-, isoniazid+b6 9m
if CXR+,sputum+, 4 drugs pyrazinamide, ethanbutol, INH, rifampin for 2m and INH+rifampin 4 more months
thanks usmle68