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Full Version: Caribbean grad vs. 3rd world IMG - iprematched
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Im waiting for March 12th to see your sad faces even sadder... Then we will see who needs the Xanax and SSRIs... ; )
Just one question....

Why did they not accept you in an American medical school?????
You are so pathetic go back to the Caribbean....
Thats where you belong...
I did get accepted to an American Medical School.. I wanted to be surrounded by beaches and beautiful women in the Caribbean ; )
Just leave this poor person (iprematched) alone; he/she is admitting that (s)he is under the treatment by a psychiatrist in one of his posts recently Wink
We all are doctors here and this is not the way we should deal with this kind of patients!
He needs not to fight with his delusion!
Poor you "iprematched"! Don’t worry. Just follow your treatment! Be compliant with your pills and you will be fine some days!
Your situation is not as bad as I've seen before in my practice time
Yalda, you sound cute.. Wanna meet up some time? ; ) maybe I'll let you psychoanalyze me.. Lol
If you know about Doctor/patient relationship rules, I don't mind to helpWink
First let's check if I have free time in my schedule, coz I have also some grammar class in this furom ;D
The IMGs have alternatives but i doubt so for the pirates of the Caribbeans.
The Caribbeans are mostly tired nurses who wants a taste of being a doctor but no brain.....
The Caribbeans are scavengers/macrophages who wouldn't mind being schooled in Ethiopia
The Caribbeans are second class citizens i suppose............

I could post more if You want me to.

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