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Thanks so much, hope you get there...
Well adrian, I hope you stay in residency because plenty of people get kicked out because of incompetency.. Good luck and congratulations!  

I already prematched fool..
Dmx.. Are you the rapper? Im just responding to you filthy maggots.. I already prematched but thanks anyway faggot...
We'll see in a year who will be kicked out from the residency because of his/her incompetency... GL !!!
F-you you dipshit... The PD in Cincinatti might have been desperate.. You sound like your from an African jungle.. Adrianmodongomotombo...
Go take an English course you dumb 3rd world beggar...
Paying your way thru school and talking crap to us... Cincinnatti probably needed another slave...
You walk around like Ethopian children begging with a sign around your neck "Can you sponsor my visa?" lol
You lie on your resumes and you forge your LORs.. Probably even pay your letter writers.. I wouldn't be surprised!
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