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another free spirit, mery...

welcome here to the human's site...good to see some energy...

if one does not believe in God, can they be eligible to be God? just asking (dont dig it please, just a question)
my lithium levels were too high....Smile (I was upset with my friend, I stole his lithium to teach him a lesson! thats all, otherwise I am not on lithium or anything) may be my TSH got messed up with Lithium ....hmmmmm and no wonder!!!!!

I need an EKG for sure!!! thanks funny doc...I hope you dont send me a bill for thisSmile
nah thats fine consult for ya !!
pahol....zat not logic@!@@@ if u r not pen, then u cant claim to be a pencil...u still are there ...cud be a ruler....even if u r not a man, u cant say for sure u r a woman...u may fall somethin in the middle ;0) hope i made dat all clear! Wink....plz dont kill me.....u know...pumping....ekg..tsh ..adrenalin....ahhh...i prayed and prayed and it helped...but i got to put some benadryl +/- inderal or ambein behind it for tonite to get some sleep! &&&%%%%%^^^^^!!!! i wish i had some red wine though...well, no money for to drink water for a while!!! and stick with dah prayers!!! well, yeah..human being/nature!! evil always work out ther...!

when Nische said "God is dead" he did not mean literally...of course not!
you can never be sure of anything, right; it is like when you say I hate you, do you really hate "you" or do you just say to make the you angry? nah...we all need red wine...

zat the benadryl, ambien, vistaril...I have got ziprasidone now...sleep baby sleep....

prayers helped to what? I want that too...please let me knowSmile

also let me know the pen is my birthday so I am not thinkingSmile

ohhh jeee ziprasidone? lithium ? ....keep it bw us....can we share?!
sure, i will lift u up in my prayers for sure! it helps for anything....well, the extend of stress is just tooooo much! and i dont fake it as a human being...!!!
my prayer is for all of us to make it for good! to match next wk and to celebrate God goodness and mercy or whoever u may believe is the creator of the universe...some may think of destiny! i donno! but i dont give it up and i ask and ask and ask to be given!
pen and pencil.....oh noo...i didnt mean pen like a man or pencil like a woman and the ruler in the middle....ahhh,wht am i talking tonite...i think ...take dah pill and go to bed and stop using my brain~!!!!! gn!
good nite, mery...

thanks for the prayers...let me know how much you pray for me and what for tonite specifically...

I will have an answer for you tomorrow... using your brain? I hardly did...oh well...angel or human...not God yet...good night.
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