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free visa assesment, job as GP

I applied to this and they accepted me, any one have an idea about it ?


u r competing for residency in US or in australia????
it seems the chances very few here to get residency or a decent job, i have a friend who applied to GP in australia, it's job and they give visa and after 5 years you can go to apply for citizen ship.
you do not do residency, it's just 3 small tests you have to pass.
after you get OK from the immigration they explain every thing to you.


yes, you are right... you dont have to study again, as you have to here in USA; you can start working as licensed doctor after passing those tests... and as far as I know, they will provide you PR(permanent residence) right after about 2-3 yrs of your stay in Australia.. good scope for internist and geriatric medicine people...

I have been told that there are people in US who send their kids for good medical education to AUSTRALIA... as it is similarly advance as USA but not have drawbacks of high advancement like crime, pollution etc.

I would try my self here... and if nothing works out then I will come to you in AUSTRALIA for future options....
you can do resideny after 5 yrs GP, is that cool?
why to go for residency if you are all set with GP.... spend good time with family and in good country....
i like to live in Tasmania far away fishing during free time in my boat, but after 5 yrs i like to move inside to live in the city. if i can get more in training why not, never say never!
agree buddy...

so it is a deal now.... I will come for my summer vacation to stay at your beach house in australia.... i am not able to tell you were you can come for your vacation now as I myself dont know where I will be after 1 yr or after my residency...

good luck
i have 3 cousins in australia, they went lik this skilled visa, they are so happy and live like in heaven.
oh ya...

good luck for your aim-de-australia .................
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