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Full Version: My prep for the day!! - owlcity
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Hey guys good morn. Looks like we ve indeed exceeded our limit . Let's start all over again ..starting
nbme block review..
GM all , will first start a review of yesterdays topic & go from there
GM everybody...want to start behavior again...
thank you owlcity for making another pages...good luck everybody...

Guys what is your advise for me in first review..if you back to your first read what would be your study plan??????

happy study everybody...
@fatemeh .. i went thru a 2nd read of kap .. i now i d say start FA and go back to the areas u feel weak ,, i feel like if i had done that i d ve been done with my step in nov ..

[i started my sec read in july last yr .. am so slow .. goljan ate my 3 mnths in the first read ( along with uw and goljan qs) ]

i d start fa and do it multiple times along with uw .. if i were u .. but thats ur decision to make ..
done with 40 qs .. going to gym .. will start after lunch again ..
well this is a nice way to get motivated. well im going to try and finish head and neck anatomy by 2pm and hopefully start neuroanatomy... right here i go.
GM guys
oh yes ,,yesterday i tried and tried and couldnt sand amsg ,,,i lost my confidence becouse of that ,,,still with anatomy ,,today wil be last day in anatomy and tomorrow is behavioral ........

back fm break .. starting qs again..

guys was busy from fri-sun & sun was our anniv. yest i tried to study but couldn't study much. somehow when we go somewhere, the day before gets wasted in packing, getting things ready for the trip but the day after definitely gets wasted too. cant believe it's mid march already. started studying again today.

@owl: thanx for the new thread. 2177 was right, everytime i saw usres12, it reminded me that she's already taken her exam....& it was kinda depressing anyway seeing that that thread had started in nov & now it's march. this is better. i had tried posting on another thread yest & the same thing happened....there is a problem with some threads, it's not that we exceeded our limit

@2177: i did the same thing, yest was match day & i looked on matching & residency forum & saw ppl who matched were writing their experiences

@raw: thanx for the wishes Smile it's so hard to study when u r burned out. this is just adding to ur previous posts.

primary pulm. HTN- is assoc. with kaposi's sarcoma & HIV!

SLE- causes warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia so it involves only rbc's right...u had mentioned it causes pancytopenia (dec. in all cells)?

starting my final block review .. but found out the link starts only fm Q 31 to 40..!!..will try to complete in 2 hr ,, will report at 3.30