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Full Version: can someone explain me this concept plz - hopeblessing
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grade 3/6 systolic murmur or any typ of grading in murmur?> thanx
hello nyone??
i dont get ur question = 3/6 grading ? please elaborate.
if u wanna know something about a systoli mumur i can help with that.
yes, question extremely unclear!
my question was why do u grade a murmur is it the intensity we r lookin for? what does a 3/6 murmur mean?
Intensity(Loudness) of a murmur is graded on a scale of 1 to 6 (very faint to very loudly thrilled).

-it's like grading Pain Intensity on a scale of 1 to 10

so say like if murmur graded at

2/6 ----- that is a "Soft" murmur.
6/6 ----- that is a "Very loud and very thrilled" murmur.
yes @hopeblessing in that sense its the intensity of the murmur Smile 3/6 would be between soft and loud

its graded out of a 6 being the loudest and 1 being the softest
thank u zain bhai Smile
buddy,i have neva heard of or read of "3/6" murmur b4
which text are you using?
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