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Gatorade > Redbull > 5 hour energy... tried em all Smile
power nap>gatorade>redbull>5hr Smile
lol @papnicolaou i just noticed i have like 90+ views i didn't mean to waste peoples time lol but yeah i guess ... power naps for me = 8 hours = sleep lol
lol!!!! @papanicolaou thats great!
But what is ur definition of a power nap?
haha, i know. they always start as power "naps"...but then beta waves->alpah->theta->spindles->delta->beta Wink
nothing works on me Sad tried all that
lol @papanicolaou now i will never forget

"BATS Drink Blood "

lol im usually at the delta waves most of my power naps haha Smile [REM]

awesome way of learning ehh what wave are you at in ur power naps?? lol
lol@zen...all this talk abt sleep is making me sleepy!
so i assume ur at the alpha wave ?? haha
someone once told me that a nap needs to be 20 mins for it to actually be effective in re-energizing you. but we're all so sleep deprived, i doubt 20 mins is actually enough for us. nothing beats a good night sleep though!
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