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Full Version: NBME 11, block 4 question 18..plz help - azc1219
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A 23 year old comes for prenatal care. On examination she appears euthyroid and the thyroid gland is not palpable. uterine size is consistent with dates, and fetal pulse is normal. serum thyroid tests show:

T4: 14 ug/dL
TSH: 2 uU/mL

change in which of the following hormones during pregnancy is primarily responsible for the thyroid results?


The answer apparently is C estrogens, but what i dont understand is that if estrogens increase the amount of thyroxine binding globulin then shouldnt that make the T4 level be decreased because then there will be less free T4? Please help me undersatnd..thanks!
it's true free T4 levlels are decreased, so that more hormone would be produced (because it's the free hormone level that determine the production) untill the free hormone level is normal again...
so after all the total hormone level is increased, and that what is shown in test!