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a 65 yr 0ld man comes to the physician bcuz of one month H/O shortness of breath with exertion and ankle swelling. 5 yrs ago he underwent successful chemotherapy with anthracycline antibiotics for lymphoma. P/E-- crackles heard througout the both lungs. Liver is palpale. Pitting edema 2+ in ankle. Which of the following is most likely underlying cause of this patient's symptoms.

A. Miocardial infarction
B. Cardiotoxicity
C. Aortic sclerosis
D. Cirrhosis
E. Mediastinal obstuction
F. Pneumonitis
Great Smile
how can u justify cardiotoxicity?
the drugs that causes cardiotoxicity treating a lymphoma like doxarubicin
dialted cardiomyopathy toxicity of anthracyclines[ doxa n danarubcin]
GUYS thx.

5 yrs ago he was treated with anthracycline antibiotics like doxirubocin.
cardiotoxicity of this drugs may acute during treatment, intermediate few months later, even long term many years later.