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@usmle.step, how is it going??
back with neuro...
drforget....where r u????
@usmle.step....I really apologize..just did not feel okay last night and today morning( family issue)..I took a break and I slept in the morning hours, I feel better now, for me sleep sometimes is better than holding the book and do not retain anything at least give peace to mind and soul but damn me I dreamed I went to prometric center taking step one exam and I did not finish the materials now I feel okay...

Hey I hope you willl be up tonight with me since you woke up late yesterday. because I am behind my schedule now because I wasted the morning hours and yesterday night...

I will start one block now then review the explanations... issues...just that got used to be in company and constant updates last few days....with no updates 4 a awhile....felt like i was the only one studying....didn read much...was checking forum frequently to make myself comfortable...and am not the only one studying...was on the phone for a while....wasted whole morn...
hope u r ok now...wat a nightmare...that wont happen for real...dont worry...

ya i will be up...didn do much...lets start...back to neuro...
thank you usmle step..okay let's compensate now,. we wasted too much time
sleep time...will be back as soon as i get up...
okay finishing block, now revising explanations
hey is your neuro. do not freak out, neuroanatomy is a separate subject just like you are doing a separate is so long as well, takes your time with it,...Smile
couldn sleep....alarm went on...2 hrs wasted...i posted complaints reg neuroanat...and the kaplan guy in the other thread...hey HY book is really helpful...diagrams r good...i was expecting it to be a coloured book..was disappointed look at the black and white pics...but later on started liking it...