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Dantrolene used in treamtment of malignant hyperthermia and NMS
NMS(neuroleptic malignant syndrome) FEVER , fever, encephalopathy, vital isntability elevated enz and muscular rigidity

Flouxetine, paraloxetine, setraline citalopram

Methylphenidate (Ritalin) increase presynaptic release of NE

typical antipsychotics: used in psychosis, acute mania, schizophrenia( positive symptoms), tourette's syndrome
extrapyramidal symptoms of antipsychotics:
parkinsonian like symptoms, dystonia, akinesia( failure to initiate movement), akathisia( restlessness) , tardive dyskinesia...more with trifluperazine, fluphenazine and Haloperidol

antipsychotic with no neurlogical side effect; chlopromazine, thioridazine

atypical antipyschotics; olanzapime, clozapine, quetiapine, resperidone aripiprazole, ziprasidone
used in depression, anxiety OCD,schizophrenia, mania and tourette's syndrome

will take lunch break then will do physiology

@vena I'll try ur method tomo ,listening some music
off to sleep cya tomo guys
@dr forget.............i m alone at home so felt lonely.............i took break and watched TV ...had shower and then tea and now back to studies.............
@usmle step..........thanks for the support..
@vena, please just continue studying, you know what I have been through and I did not give up is true my performance was extremely affected in this week but I do not have any options other than studying, just forget anything and just focus on your book Smile))

@usmle step. @mle2014 @atlanta...wish you all happy saturday studying...

For me today I should finish this physiology thing I should finish the last week but my schedule was affected because of the family thing I had and still going on ( studying and crying ..OMG I hate changing schedules night I will try to put another schedule...

Let me hear from you and let me know your progress for today and target..

@atlantastep1 , I hope you are feeling better now, just keep yourself studying with us and we are all here to help you whenever you need never feel lonely..I feel lonely many times especially at night so I keep studying with the nice people here in the thread ...may God be with youSmile)

let me know what did you accomplish so far in study
@drforget,,,,thank u very much...........i dont why i dont feel like studying now a days...i have been studying very well till feb and they slowly i m loosing that tempo......sometimes i get depressed but i know the only thing i can do to come out of it is to study,,,,,,,,i liked ur thread so i joined that i can get motivated looking at u....

till now from morng i didnt do much i read just 5quest and 1 chapt in pharmac i know i can do much better.......i just need to get back to my tempo...........
@atlanta, just keep pushing , we all get depressed especially at weekends, just keep pushing, if you feel bad, have a tea, take short nap, have a walk outside and be back with us...even if you are slow today, you still productive better than doing nothing and tomorrow you will feel better and faster....Smile)
ok now starting lipid metabolism .............

@all ...guys did any one have lipid metabolism first part video,,,please can u send it to me ,,i need it
hi guys... back 4m lunch.. really long break...

@mle... ya bio is no less than neuro....SmileGN

@atlanta.... its never late to come out... start studying 4m nw...watever is over its over... lets all study together... we all r there.. u r never alone....

@drforget...@vena happy studying....