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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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@usmle step ,,,as its your first read its normal ,,but dont take longer ....
i everyone...
I am so slow in path endo....woowww how hard is thisss....and tea time.,,
and again will back to goljan...
created a skype acc. before my sleep
guys you can add me at kannan87here
@us dont worry m also in the same boat,hope to finish off this first read asap
@dr forget whats going on?/
@atlanta cya tomo
@vena... will try to finish off little bit faster...hey vena... can i add ur skype id to mine... let me know...
@mle... thank u for the company...Smile sent u a req...
@drforget... howz it going???
Hi friends,,
@vena..I hope amino acid is going well Smile))
@usmle..last chapter is always the hard one Big already there to finish soon

@mle..happy studying, will add you to skype..
@atlanta, @docol..and others..happy studying....

Will update every 2-3 hours...
back to pharma
@mle, do you have skype??..or only this gmail address??
done with 17... will go for shower.. be back soon... will go chapter18..
back to bio...
took 20 m lunch break,back to pharm
just done wid chap 18 ... will look at the q at back of kaplan LN...