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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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damn ,i took 3 hours nap...i hate thatSad

will do pharm and Q
pacing very slow with my physSad
only 2 small chapter is done from immuno ,,,i should do 9 ch ..if i want finish it in 2 day ,,otherwise it take longer ,,,lolll
@drforget .........3hr nap lollllllllllllllllll,,u didnt sleep tonight ????
still doing pharma....Smile

@mle... ours is 1st read.. so Sad ... cant do much
@vena... try to push as much as u can..Smile

yea drforget.... its really bad... 3 hrs nap....Smile Smile Smile ...
@nikkie...ya did kaplan... sometimes happens.. block is common to all.... try to push...u have all the energy u need...Smile
@dr forget comeback
will be back after an hour.. short nap
will start QUESTIONS.....I feel saturated with pharm
@vena..what did you achieve so far??? keep up
@usmlestep..see you after break.. back soon with us
@ others happy studying....

back to Q
just got up... will have lunch... then start pharm ...