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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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Ok....i did a timed 46q of biochemistry and i got 63% and avg was 53% ....i know i can be better than this as i did some misakes becouse of memorizations ....time is good but make u confused ....
@usmle step....@drforget r u guys? ????
@all of uguys wish u the best for today ......
@fatemeh.....hey friend where r u? ???i know its weekend ......ewww
gn all
@vena, you get good score and you will definitely do much better by revising more....
@usmlestep..good luck with pharm
@ fetemah, atlanta and mle2014 and other thread memeber..happy saturday week end studyingSmile))

back to study
@all....happy studying...........

i went out in the morng so couldnt planning to study...
did 10Q in 2hrs.....i improved...happy but still i can do much better..........
@mle.. GN

@atlanta... good.. happy for... u can improve...

@vena... really good..

@drforget.. howz it going???? Smile

am still wid pharma... Smile ...

@doc.. how ru???
will have some shopping and get back
finally im done with revision of my block lollllll,,im tried to death ,,,
@drforget @usmle step ..thank u guys for your support ,,,,,,,,
goodnight guys ,,
GM guys..
as u know me I couldn't study at all on Saturday..Smile))))))))
I am back and want to study patho cardiac section..
hope everyone doing great..
Planning to do a block of micro.........
@all happy studying