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Full Version: Tea break GI question - wimobile246
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A 45 year old woman has recently been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease secondary to increased gastric acidity. This patient is most likely deficient in which of the following substances?

A Acetylcholine
B Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
C Gastrin
D Histamine
E Prostaglandins
B - GIP - FA 2011 pp316ish (there's a big table around that page, too tired to look right now:-P)
b or e i think B should be
I believe it's B!
B is the correct answer

Since the patient has an increase in gastric acidity, the deficient substance must be one that decreases gastric acid secretion. GIP increases insulin secretion and decreases gastric acid secretion.

E is incorrect b/c it does decrease the gastric acidity but main action is the mucosal protection. And question is asking what is decreasing the Gastric acidity and not mucosal protection.
( I picked the same option when I saw the question that why I tell my self READ THE QESTION PROPERLY :p)

C is incorrect b/c Gastrin increases gastric acidity and if its deficient patient wouldn't have peptic ulcer.
very good explanation, thanks wimobile246.
for choice it reduce acid secreation
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