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please give advice those who have gone through or are in the process of taking exams how to keep focused and stick to the plan.please e-mail me at dianadoc29
i wud love some advice too.........i am findin it impossible to stay focussed and prepare...its lke wen i setle one thing out the next one is waitin,...i hav a 8mnth old,he sleeps hardly durig daytime..and at night by the time he is in bed am also driftin......i am almost spendin my days in depression.......i need to get movin in life, it goin to b 3yrs since i graduated..sittin at home doin nuthin,and not makin it the first time all stresses me out....i wud also like some help and guidance
I have problems concentrate too , and I know woman with 5 moth old babies that study for the boards too.I notice that she make a big calendar and she stick with the hours for study mainly when the baby was slep.She told me if I can spend three hours study I will make the best of it,I don't think anything else just focus and what are I am doing in the present moment.
Other sugestion is let your child in a daycare for a couples hours while you recharge and study..
I wish the best luck in your preparation and take it easy...
I found this- it will help you
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usmle_savior- 05/21/12 10:13

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2.USMLEs: comprehensive ratings of guaranteed PASS tutoring services and programs
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Re:Honest opinion about these courses

RE pass south experience-see similar opinion below

If you want to be forced, pushed, and cheated, knowing nothing about your future USMLE score and your real outcome until 1 day before your exam, sticking in a small stinky classroom where you can squeeze in with 2-300 sardine students in a day, go for Pass South!!
Later, in a week or two you would want to run out, but you are trapped. You will have 1 option only: swallow and move on. Stay away from those crockpots, find stores in your areas, talk to the locals have your deodorant, disinfectant, betadiene ready.

You will find one tutor who will take you under his/her axilla believe me. You will be a free ride for the WOLF pack but it works both ways. After knowing who will be your teacher, you will need to get a supply of Listerine with SCOPE, that will cost you $400-500 a month, depending what state of halitosis your personal tutor will be in.
If you strongly believe in crappy latrine and bathroom services, don’t sign up for more than a month. Use try 2 buy approach.


Forum Junior

Topics: 20
Posts: 43 07/21/08 - 12:52 PM #18

i contacted them by email, they wrote a reply to my first email, but they didn't bother with my second email with new questions.

they told me that they have shuttles monday to friday, and there is a walmart about half mile from the apartment. from what i read on here, their so-called success rate is not accurate, because they don't really contact the students who took the course, so most likely those who failed after taking the course are not counted as their "sucess rate".

~u brake it, we fix it~
1. Pass Program Review (Southpt. 3)
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Alright Alright, yall know me, the friendly neighborhood Quash. In this installment of half stepping the First Step, I'll be telling you all about the Pass Program. Many have you have heard of this program others are still lost in the "Natural Mystic" Be sure to send some my way after the step.

I'll try to be as unbiased as I can. I really know nothing about Kaplan, Princeton, Falcon, that course in Phillly, and not a thing about your Willy. I know only what I experienced in this program and what people have told me. I'll preface with: when I say doing questions, I mean getting a Qbank, USMLE world or Rx. (Ima do all three)

So then lets get right to it. Lets start with the bad stuff.

The first couple of weeks were kind of nuts, we didnt have a chair in the apt for a week, and the internet was down 99 percent of the time in the apts. There were no phones installed in the room for my entire 6 week stay. In the last 3 weeks or so, the internet was permanently up, but was only slightly better than 56k. So doing online questions at the apt was just a No-Go.

The annoying work-around? Study at the Pass program center. Which isnt too bad, but people like to have space to spread out all of their paraphernalia. And then doing questions in the computer lab can get quite toasty after a coupla hours, this means come packed with a spaghetti strap. Lots of places have free wifi, so a quick google will show all the free wifi spots in the area. A huge plus to sip on some sisuurp, and do questions.

When you sign up for housing they put you in a apt "College Park" style with two other people. My roomates were cool, we got along very well. They liked it freezing up in the place, which tended to keep my nuts lookin like a prune. A coupla times they werent in the place I put the heat on. Blasting full heat for you guys interested in doing the program in the october/november/january class.

The apt's arent far from the Pass Program center, 7 min drive. Walmart is across the train tracks at a 5 min walk. The airport is prolly a 15-20 min walk from the apt. A bus comes to and from the apt every morning and late afternoon if you dont have a car. People are generally friendly about giving rides. Cingular, Verizon, and sprint get good cell phone coverage, T moble sucks at the apt.

Originally Posted by futureaddison
Hi bbydoc,

I am going to be taking the PASS Program after failing Step 1 for the first (and last) time. I opted to go with the PASS Program South vs Illinois mainly because the class size is smaller and its closer to where I go to school.

Besides the fact that the Florida instructor has a tendency to shout - are the programs the same? Do they get similar results? I ask because there is a thread floating around that the PASS Program South is a "scam" and a total waste of money vs the more established Illinois one, so you can imagine my concern. I know that this may only be the opinion of one angry person who just didn't do well, but I don't want to take any chances...