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A med student gave his USMLE step 1 and found his score is 1.5 SD above the mean.What is his percentile.
1 SD above mean=84

so whats it
yes sammi is correct
i didnt knew the 84 stuff....Smile
1..5 SD above the mean means nearly (0.15+2.4+6.75) % of the observations are above this value =9.2 % ....he would be 91.8 percentile

sammi made probably a rough estimate
@goal13 - can you please explain where you got 0.15, 2.4 and 6.75 from please? i haven't brushed up on my biostats in a while and i cant seem to figure it out...??
Below the mean=.15%+2.4%+13.5%+34%=50%
same values above the mean

Hence 1.5 SD above the mean=


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