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A mother brings her 4 yr old boy to your clinic and she appears to be quite concerned with the boys chest deformity.upon exposure of the chest you notice marked depression of the sternum below the claviculao- manibrium junction.all of the following are true except-

a As the child develops kyphoscoliosis may occur
b there may be pulmonary dysfunction
c this is pectus excavatum
d there is reduction in cardiac output
e this is a midline deformity and you must do further examination to look for further deformities.
I wud go with "E"... to my knowledge midline deformities as classicaly occur in Patau involve scalp, palate , pituitary, Heart, unmlicus n anus ...Most the soft tissue components..I may be wrong... wud like to hear the details.
midline deformities include even deformities of spine also ryt. So no A, the ryt answ B???/?
its c
C is right.this is pectus excavatum=sunken chest
The Q ask the wrong one "except"
I think A
Well "C" makes sence but pectus excavatum is not always present at birth and develops as the child grows..
E is correct , pectus excavatum is a congenital chest wall deformity in which several ribs and sternum grow abnormally and compromise cardiac and pulmonary functions.Most cases are present at birth and 90% are diagnosed within the first year of age, but others may be discovered later when rapid growth rate may make a previously unremakable deformity troublesome .It is familial in 35% of cases and assiciated with Marfan`s sometimes.
D. Cardiac function is normal in pts with pectus excavatum.Alibism
Nilofer you got it right,,,she has given all the expkan so i need not explain- E