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Full Version: Prematch accepted, how to withdraw the match? - adrianac82
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Hello everyone happy new year, can someone share with me how is the process to withdraw from the match? Thank you
Have you registered for the NRMP?

From NRMP site:

"I signed a contract outside the Main Residency Match®. What should I do?
If you already have registered with the NRMP, you MUST withdraw from the Main Residency Match by the Rank Order List Deadline. You can withdraw by logging in to the Registration, Ranking, and Results® (R3®) system and selecting the withdraw option. Failure to withdraw by the Rank Order List Deadline is a violation of the Match Participation Agreement signed at registration."

If you have not registered for NRMP, I don't think you have to do anything. You should contact the other programs you have IVed at, and tell them you will not be participating as a courtesy.
congrat! as blue said. is it im?
If you don't mind where did you prematch?
call any programs you have interviews left in and cancel them. Then, if you look in ERAS in "programs applied to" if you click each program it has a checkmark option for "withdraw my application". If youve registered in NRMP then instead of going on ERAS, you can withdraw through NRMP's R3 system.
Congrats, Also do you mind sharing yr credentials? thanks
Yes its internal medicine, thank you guys for the info! Smile
Thbx for ur more q if u get time, wht do u advice to do to improve? Congrats again and best of luck!
Went through you last year post-
adrianac82 - 06/12/12 15:51
YOG 2006, 205-226-pass all in first attempt, step 3 coming soon, 1 month observership, 6 months research volunteer with publications, applying for internal medicine and pediatrics. thank you for the comments

If you are free, Can you share your experience what did you add to you CV this year. Its pretty cool to get a prematch in IM. Any contacts that you build? Good Luck with yr residency.
Wow you found that! How did You found that Just add job experience (work on a ER in my country), just applied to one specialty at the end, applied to a lot of programs, improved my PS an English teacher help me with that and applied with a lot of hope, no contacts at all, my interview went pretty well , I didn't practice or made up anything I just act natural and comfortable. That's one of my advices be yourself on the interviews don't practice interviews only just prepare your questions but there's no need to practice, I wish good luck to everyone and do not read any negative post because here there's a lot of people with no intentions to help just read the GOOD ones! Thanks
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