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Full Version: OASIS updated, when score? - kitty
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I got OASIS updated last night. I passed, thank God.
Now, when can I expect to get scores in the mail?
I live in the US.
Last time I got my step 1 result on the next Monday - I live in Boston - but my friend who live in San Francisco got it on Sat. And I hear that someone got it on Friday. Is that true ? Anyone has any idea ?
Hi kitty,

Just wake up and check my oasis again, pass2.

you could get your mail in two days if living in east (NY), or next monday if in CA as me.

Good luck to ALL.
Congradulations guys, the hard part is over now its time to relax and enjoy. Smile
Thanks all. Congratulations drpepper. Now the nailbiting continues until the score arrives... Smile

steptaker: are you in the same boat?
I'm on the boat behined you, I'm taking it next wednesday. Smile

my reult got posted did u know that u passed???..pla can u tell me how to find that out

thanks a lot
Go to your account in ecfmg, try to apply for step 2CK in IWA, if you pass it will show you a big screen with red words

"Our records indicate that you have already passed this Step or Step Component or the equivalent NBME® Part. The USMLE Policy on Reexamination generally does not allow applicants to retake a Step or Step Component if they have already passed that Step or Step Component or the equivalent NBME Part. There are, however, certain exceptions to this policy:
Exception #1: Applicants pursuing H-1B visa status who ..........."

it means you pass

Good luck
Dear drpepper

what do you mean 2 days ? Is it Friday ? I can't wait to see the mail . It would be better if it is here today

Thank you and GL
Hi kitty, I just get my reporting score today !
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