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Full Version: need help .....other option - callexner
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Hi, I am an old graduate and attempted usmle couple of times but wasnt sucessful. I am not interested to retake it any more .... looking for something else in medical feild. I have taken most of the prereqs for PA program but no luck as it is very competitive. How about MPH or MHA or something else. Can someone please advise me?
have you considered the NP route? I am currently an NP if u have any questions.
Yes I did but for NP you have to be a nurse first that's why I tried for PA and spent 2 yrs to take their pre reqs but no sucsess in admission.
for the original poster:

is interested in pa program
paimg - 04/18/10 22:35

I am now in the pa program. let me tell you some thing admission to pa program may be more difficult than residency. be humble and don't mention that acceleration thing and never mention that you are higher and you deserve special attention i applied to more than 60 program i get too many rejections but finally i get accepted in 5 program. you need to start now by applying for prerequist and start study this semester that start at may and don't waist time. PA make upto 120 K a year and it is very nice job. stanford university pa program is 16 months only you can apply but it is hard to get in. go to this website you will find a lot of information on every single program in usa or com. their eras is called caspa start from now don't waist time.
to OP...i just think you didnt apply to the right programs...or you didnt tailor your application humbly enough.....keep on trying you will get it eventually....i have 2 friends who are img-pa both got in last year
Thanks fawadm79, this was my second yr applying for couple of programs in PA prog but no luck. I chose only those prog who don't require Gre, due to some reason I don't want to take gre but I haVe taken all of pre reqS , getting frustrated and thinking to go for nursing or Mph/Mha , pls advise me. Thank you
Do you think I spend one more yr and apply again after gre and few more courses?
PA/NP is honestly same thing at the end of the day...PA is more rigourous and might help you land a residency ...because the courseload is more like med sch....its up to you ...i think you didnt apply wide...probably showed some arrogance or you wanted advanced status trick is to be humble
True u have to be an RN but its more sure shot, at the end of 3 years YOU WILL be an NP vs not so sure about PA as its so competitive. Also many states are giving NPs total autonomy for independent practice (about 19-20 states now) and more are following.

Also if u are ok working as RN for a short time at a hospital they will pay for yr NP program( at least some of it) while u earn a salary , but PA u have to go to school full time and pay everything out of pocket ( 30-50K depending on where u go). I spent total of 10K to do RN-MSN, rest my employer paid, even my 10K was from my RN salary.

Just about personal choices...i know i may never get a residency, but i still have to put 3 kids thru college pretty soon...however being an RN is a humbling decision and not for the faint of heart Smile
agreed with dolly...i actually had a friend who failed out of umdnj 's PA program and is now a NP he told me the NP courses were a joke because he took the PA courses alongside med students....PA is more rigorous for sure...but NP have autonomy
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