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Full Version: Old IMG success - nini13
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I matched! I am a 2005 graduate with average scores (step 1- 212, step 2ck-220, cs pass. All first attempts). I have an MPH and 2 years of research experience. Have a gap of two years in my CV when I was just at home taking care of my newborn.

I applied towards the end of October, because I didn't have LORs. Got only one interview in IM and I matched. This was my first match cycle.

I am very thankful to the Almighty, Alhamdulillah!

I was very stressed out and depressed throughout the whole process thinking that I will never match. I want to tell all you old IMGs our there, do not give up, never lose hope. I did it, so can you.
how can we search for mph programs?
congrats nini on your match, I had a question regarding mph, do you that made any difference and also from unv. did you do mph from

You will just have to google it and look at the website of different Universities. You might have to take the GRE and Toefl to get into a Masters program. The only thing is program fees are high. I got a good scholarship, so my fees was very low.
Thanks Jim. The program that I got interview invite only accepts candidates who have some sort of additional training, like MPH or residency from back home etc. I think it helped me there. But as far as other programs are concerned, I don't think it makes much of a difference if you have MPH, all that matters is that you should be doing something, research or observership or something while you are trying.

I did my MPH from a very low key University in a remote state, mainly because the scholarship was so good and I didn't have to pay much. If I had done it from some big name University maybe it would have helped more.
Happy to see old IMG success stories. I am an old grad too yog 2005; 226/237/pass. Masters in Healthcare Mgt. Applied to 73 IM and 10 FM (actually was interested in one FM program but since I paid, just selected 9 random ones), had 6 interviews and matched.....
Baruch taka Adonai.....
Wow. These stories of Old IMGs getting matched are really morale boosting for me with YOG 2011 and preparing for Step 1.
Alhmdo llh
Congratulations Nini13!
Just one interview & matched, Very interesting history, motivating! thank u for posting!
If u don't mind, is the interview through connection or regular?
my self, YOG 2004, 215/221/passed cs 2nd attempt, applied to 95 IM & 40 FM but didn't get any IV.
Really, the match process is very scary for me.
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