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Full Version: Nuclear scan/ radionuclide imaging - always99
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are they same? anybody plzz explain me?
thank u
they're both the same.. they both fall under nuclear medicine .. different sources use different terms
thanks Doctam3...
And what about Adenosine Sestambi myocardial perfusion is also same?
what you use for a scan is completely different .. the substance varies based on what you're trying to find out ... adenosine is different than iodine and so on
but the technique itself is either called nuclear imaging or radionucletide scan
Adenosine is used with Thallium. Thallium is a contrast getting picked up by myocytes (so I belive they can have various namaes sch as this--perfusion sestambi etcc), while Adenosine causes coronary steal phenomenon causing increase in myocardial oxygen demand. You can have 2 outcomes as a results of this study--fixed perfusion defect indicative of old AMI vs reversible defect indicative of unstable angina. This maybe not a good test for someone with COPD,
Doctam, nuclear scan is not same as Thalium?
thanks for the input guys.