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Full Version: About YOG - bj112358
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Hey, bros and sises, I grad on July, 2011 and prepared to send my package out on Sep. 2015 for the 2016 match, what does my YOG count? 4 years or 5 years?
THANX everybody! Smile
5 years
THANKS!5 years is concluded as “fresh”or “old” IMG?
Guys, please think and do the math.
It's 4 years.
@thnmaster Dear bro, it's not a math QS, it depends on which is the right point to be calculate. Everybody knows it is 4 years otherwise 5 years...
Big Grin
big face palm...

it is five, they calculate the year u r starting your residency ie 2016, the year u grad ie 2011, so 5 yrs, i will be same as u.
big face palm... shy~
THANX BRO! R we fresh or old?