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Full Version: NMBE 6 questions help! - studentjv
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an asymptomatic 57 yo man comes for rutine health examination. He has smoked one pack of cigarettes daily for 37 years. BP 180/112, pulse 82, abd exam shows a bruit in the RUQ and no masses . hto 42%, urea 23, cr 1,4. which is the most likely cause of this patient's bruit?

a accumulation of lipids in the areterial wall
b hypetrophy of the arterial wall media
c infiltration of areteial wall by giant cells
d infiltration of round cells in the arterial wall
e reflex vasodilation

I choose b and it is wrong. Which one is the correct option and why?
bruit in older person - MCC is atherosclerosis
younger pt. --> fibromuscular dysplasia --> b
sorry what is MCC?
MCC is most common cause..i think
mistletoe247 got it right.