congrats asaha on being done...relax for some days
Thanks so much. I will pay head to your advice starting from right now. I will start fa daily from now on. Plz feel free to drop any suggestion anytime. I'm very naive and lazy but I become active whenever I get any suggestion. Thanks a million again !
@reminemi, you are good girl
am sure grandpa blessing will help you
@asaha85 , my father in law will be here by April 6 ,am in terrible situation his wife didn't get visa and he is 88 with early signs of dementia, he will be totally depending on my as my husband working all the week late in nights. I just cry every night and pray to GOD to help me , am already overwhelmed by being a house wife with kids and studying for this horrible exam.
Now am thinking of taking uw self ass II by this weekend then another ass by end of April if I survived the in law attack I will take it ASAP :
Still struggling with CNS
Hi to everyone In this group.
@bugguy, I just wanted to let you know that you are a true inspiration and a real fighter. I really appreciate how you are balancing you family and studies to this point so close to the exams. Just keep up the spirit and don't give up. Even with the new changes in your family just take it a day at a time or even a few hours at a time. Things will be easier. If not you will so overwhelmed that all your efforts that you have put in so far will go down the drain. So just keep it going and don't let anything upset you at this point. Just focus on your exams for now. The rest can be handled later on. Good luck.
@ asha......yeah ur right in saying to start FA asap........I also thought of this....but being old graduate, I could not understand much of info. ......but now when I have started towards end of my preparation phase, now its sooooo overwhelming......loaded with info.....
@bugguy......hats off to u.......for ur courage........wish u best of luck in dealing with all these challenges...............I sometimes wonder why 88 yr old, demented person is coming ?????...sorry for getting rude but I could not understand my culture old people prefer to stay at own homeland............ so .......
@skin thank you for kind and encouraging post , I do appreciate that
@ @cd4 , thank you for replay
, you question is totally making sense , but the answer will not , here is why an 88 demented man traveling to us ,
I had an evil sister in law how failed to be a doctor and even get fired from the ministry of health in my country and all her medical credential taken away due to multiple terrible medical practice , she heard that am preparing to take may usmles and she said out and load LETS SEE HOW SHE CAN PASS THIS TEST then the next thing she is sending me her father .
I have all good intention in the world to treat my father in law as prince or king , and I will keep my study to the maximum , I just want to teach her very small lesson in life , don't feel bad for me , I considered this as a challenge and I accept it
Happy study every one
@bugguy i can feel ur pain..i dont understand those people who use their parents as a weopon and use them to disturb other..but i believe u can overcome the prob...actually i thought ur eligibility gets over in the end of april..thats why worries..u will do good and ur hard work will be paid off my friend..
@asah85 , thank you so much for you kind words , I will do my best.
Plan for today. Uuuuuugh , neuroanatomy especially all 12 cranial nerves . Using roadmap neuro.
I will update I survived with no Faisal palsy. :/
@rosemary when r u expecting ur result??
Hi every one
My exam was today, I am feeling very bad and disappointed . This exam means a lot for me after years of struggles and depression, I am afraid that I can't keep my promise to my parents, to myself to wear the white coat again. Anyway I don't wanna scared you guys I am just expressing my feelings.i try to isolate this sad feeling and be productive answering any questions!
Th truth about the exam is not difficult at all, if you we're well prepared. Most of The questions were familiar , though I got stacked between tow answers and here the difficulty of the exam, I managed my time very badly rashing in the end of each bloc.
For micro is straight forward but you need to see a lot of pictures these organism
Pharm classic MOA and SE with little attention to general pharm
Pleinty of behavior and biostat very simple
Neuroanatomy shows up a lot in my exam most question pictures
Gross anatomy you can expect anything from head to toe honestly very details
Big part of general path mixing with immuno and molecular biology you should master it
My 2 big surprise one biochem barely shows up very few question , and the second one endocrinology,reproductive especially gynecology took the big part,I felt that half of the exam about these systems from physio pathophysiology anatomy path pharm honestly it's huge. You should master them.
Physio was basic not that hard. No calculations besides epedemio .what else can I say? You need to see a lot of pictures, pictures , pictures"path, anat, micro were based on pictures "
Good luck every one, do your best until last minute whatever the results