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Full Version: Interview questions one stop - kiran402
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I felt the need for a one-stop place where everybody having given interviews could post the questions they were asked or their experiences in general at the interviews. Perhaps the following format:

Program/ Date/ Question.

Feel free to modify.
When I was interviewing last year / last season .. of the 16 IVs.. 14 of them: the first question was. .tell me about yourself.
may result in robotic responses
@doctam that's a lot of interviews! Would you mind sharing how many progs you applied to and which specialty? Thanks.
Welcome back DOCTAM Wink) Missed ya on this forum..
150 IM programs.

floors are busy .. on ambulatory now .. so its chill Smile
doctam3, where did you end up matching? (Specialty/State).
never mind Smile just read it.
The 2nd most common q:why this specialty?...had it in every iv
I want to know what should we ask from the pg? I always came up to max 1-2 questions
drelbow and doctam3 are absolutely right. I was interviewed by two people last week, person A's first question was " I always ask that to candidates : "why IM ?"", and person B's first question was " So Dr X, tell me about yourself".
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