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the q is posted AS is form the source.

A 45 yr old woman presents with complaints of fever and malaise for 2 wks and jandice for 1 wk.
she lives in a poor socioeconomic area. she says she last did IV drug " ayear ago"
Blood tests show:
ALT 1300
AST 1250
Anti HAV igG : Positive
Anti HAV IgM : negative
HBsAg : neg.
HBeAg: neg.
HBcAg: neg
Anti HBs Ag neg
which of the following are true?


A. the pt has hapatitis A.
B. the pt does not have hepatitis B.
C. the most probable causeis Hepatitis C .
D. the most probable cause is Primary biliary cirrhosis
E. None of the above.

Good luck

yes B. She had HAV.
pt had hepatitis a

pt may be in the window period of hepatitis b

pt does not have hepatitis c

biliary cirrosis is not the cause here as it does not mention alkaline phospotase

Could the Patient HAVE hepatitis a infection. since chronic infection does not occir so a very high Ig g indicating an ongoing infection ? Any comments.
Could the ans be ' none of the above'....b'coz
1- pt has HAV IgG antibodies - so pt had hepatitis not 'has' HAV
2 - pt doesn't have hep B - we cant be sure of that as pt in window period will have HBsAG, HBeAg, HBcAg and Anti HBsAg negative
3 - tests for HCV not done - do cant say if pt has hep c
4 - PBC - presents with fatigue and pruritis. Jaundice, hepatomegaly and RUQ pain seen in 10% of pts. Need anti-mitochondrial ab for diagnosis. And they dont usually present with fever.
it should be "none of the above" and I think this pt might have tumor.
In the window period core antigen would be present, right?
I think both A & B are answers.
Correct me.
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