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Full Version: How would you rank these? - damarchus
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This is my current ROL.

1). Monmouth Medical Center (IM) - university affiliated, solid program with good fellowship placement
2). UTHSCSA-RAHC (IM) -university affiliated, good program, good fellowship placement, not so great location
3). Brandon Regional Hospital (IM) - very promising program, great location and weather, NEW, soon to be
university affiliated
4). Ocala Regional Medical Center (IM) - very enthusiastic PD, great weather, just ok location, NEW
5). Mt. Sinai at Elmhurst Hospital (IM) - solid program, good fellowship placement, in-house GI and Nephro, TOXIC,
just ok location
6). Oak Hill Hospital (IM) - 1 year old program, residents seemed unhappy, good weather, middle of nowhere
7). Yale-New Haven Hospital (Prelim Surg) - University program, amazing hospital and resources, 2

I would like to pursue fellowship in either pulmo, gastro, or nephro.

Great list . Can you please share your credentials
why are you even bothering with surgery prelim in that case? It's a strange addition. I'm surprised your credentials gave you avrage IM hospitals, but Yale surgery?? Well... if you go there and work your butt off, maybe you can get into general surg. who knows.
Thanks matchpsych11. My creds are as follows.

Step 1: low 220s
Step 2CK: low 220s
Step 2CS: Pass
All on first attempt
USCE: 3 mos observerships, lots of volunteer work in medical missions
Work: worked for a year as a GP in home country
US Citizen
Few research and publications
If you are looking for fellowships then your best bet is to rank established programs that have a track record for fellowship placement first.

scaredkinda long story short I am desperate to match so I applied to prelim surg as well. I think its better to get into prelim surg than to go unmatched. Hopefully though I get into a categorical IM program.
@damarchus whats your yog
thanks matchsx2015. Thats why I have monmouth and uthscsa-rahc on top. I would do the same for elmhurst but during the whole interview day I only saw 1 resident out of 25. I also noticed an ambulance arriving at the ER every 5 mins. So im not sure I really want to be neck deep in patients. hahaha. But you are right, fellowships are a huge plus and elmhurst has in house GI and Nephro. Im still really considering bumping this program up a bit on my ROL.
sumaira249 sorry YOG is 2012.
I hear ya buddy. It's a tough decision especially when you see the potential for a program to drown you in work. But the way I see it is that you will be a better doctor. You've made it this far so stands to reason that a "toxic" program won't break you. Also take this into consideration: Oak Hill was also a new program that probably promised it's incoming residents the same things these other new programs are promising candidates but you noticed that residents seemed unhappy. I read somewhere else on this forum that the PD at brandon regional was also PD at Oak hill last year. Either way bottom line is you will be able to become a trained physician where ever you go and that's the ultimate goal. As INGs we don't really have that many options. I hope you match at one of our top programs.

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