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Full Version: How far in the programs rank list should you be? - apple89123
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If a program has 4 spots in IM and I heard they rank about 50 people. Would you have a chance if you were ranked in the 50? above 30? above 20?

Its a community program.

Share what you think?

Got a email from a pd saying that they liked me and I should rank them high.
you should be 25 to match to 5th place but again this average based on 5 per position.

I say is close to 4 to be on safe safe side.
iT DEPENDS ON how strong is the program?

for example If Harvard has 4 position, they need to rank 5 or 6

if your program is an excelent program the chances to match is hard, if it is a community program and not very likable, then it is an advantage.

If they have 4 position and they ranked 50 applicant, it means it not a likable program ( chances are better)
What about a program with 30 seats with many imgs. How far down would one say is a competitive place to be on the program rol.

Thanks in advance! Good luck everyone.
Nobody except the ranking PD knows the exact answer for this. I know a program that ranks 32 candidates for 8 positions.
there are too many factors to guess, one including luck. every year it can vary. i know a program that has 5 positions and interviewed 50 people and ranked about 25-30 and last year they matched all people from the top 5 in their list. but the year before that they went into the SOAP which means they went all the way down to position 25-30 and did not fill the 5 positions. so it really varies year to year. other factors include how competitive the program is, the strength of the applicants (weak program and strong applicants, then they will go further down in the programs rol and the other way around.), etc. but you can look at nrmp match statistics to get the average number of ranks per position for each respective specialty. i think it was around 4-5 for internal medicine and 5-6 for family medicine...for ex: internal medicine program with 10 positions will match people who are ranked up to position medicine program with 10 positions will match people who are ranked up to 50-60 but again, there are many other factors that have to be accounted for
@sys which nrmp document tells how many ranks per position?? I never knew such a document existed that gave this information
@exon yes its here:
its on page 51 if you use the "search for page", or on page 43 if you look at the page number at the bottom of each page. looking at it now, my numbers were a bit off. its 6-7 for internal med and 5-6 for family med