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Full Version: guidance needed? - lionelmessi
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I received my Step 1 score today. 219. I wanted IM. can any one guide me from here? should i stick to medicine and get good score in CK or look for back up speciality like psych. i want my CV to be focused on specilaity. what are my realistic chances for IM?

P.S. I dont need visa
oh man. right at the cut off point for a few programs 220 filter. Focus on Step 2 and the right observerships and electives. It isn't over for IM yet, a little more difficult, but still attainable.

Go for it not time to distract yourself with FM or Psych if IM is what you want
thanks. does the cut off filter work for sure in programs?
The sad truth is you will never know for sure how it will turn out for you - in your case, unless you try - after other steps and submit your application, and see what comes.

Most people have spent a couple thousand dollars on application fee (repeatedly) and learned their fate. This is one journey that will test the limit of your credit card, not just score alone.
many programs have their filter on their website. I've seen many with a 220.

without knowing more YOG, etc etc we can't really advise you further, except to say, that you need to rock step 2 CK and the rest will follow

REalistically speaking, you'll probably need at least 4 months for CK based on your Step 1. Leaves little time for Observerships / Electives.

IF you want to apply this year, don't waste any time.

good luck
If somebody has no interview ,is there a need to have a rank order list? I am confused because I got repeated message in my mailbox that the dead line is Feb 25!
you have good shot at IM still because you dont have visa issues. that helps a lot. apply broadly to community programs, use any connects you got. of course try to take step 2 and score better, and get step 3 out of the way too if you think you have enough time. i think you can definitely get into a decent community IM program. but when you apply also apply to a lot of family med and psych as backup just in case
leusmle, residency program will only put candidates on their ROL those canidates whom they had IVed, the matching algorithm works when both parties (you and residency program) put each other on their respective ROL. it is called a stable marriage algorithm. Just like you want to ask a pretty girl in your high school go out for a date, only if both of you show up at the meeting place, then there is a date, else you will just be all alone. Same idea here. But no one can stop you from showing up and stand there all night and waiting for the girl, same deal here, you can submit your ROL, it has no meaning in reality, the algorithm does not work only one party participates - that is the reason why it is called a match, you need two parties to participate.

Thanks a lot salvation! It was very helpful!