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Full Version: Should I take volunteer research job in a top Uni - realist123
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Should I take volunteer research job in a top University on j1 visa.
I will not be having a 2 year home residency requirement.
Can I change to a different sponsor after a year if I want.
How much will this job help with getting an IM residency?

USMLE scores average with an attempt.

It can only help at this point. YOG? I believe you should be able to change your sponsor.
short answer, YES! Many people have asked this same question and the answer remains the same. Get your foot in the door, that will open up more opportunities for paid positions and you will build a strong connection with the faculty which translates into strong LOR. I cant answer your visa question. hope someone else does. Good luck!
anything volunteer in a top tie uni is good for you. Take it and get yourself known.
What was your attempt in.

If in CS ---> go for it

If in Step 1 or CK ---> slow down and do a few more things before committing yourself to research because community programs aren't going to hold your research in high regards as compared to a few other things you can do to Maximally strengthen your application

@ realist123: You will have to go back to your home country for 2 years after your J1 expires. The only way not to go back is getting a J1 waiver. You can get a J1 waiver after residency, but not after research. US does not have positions for researchers in under-served areas.

You can get your J1 extended for a max of 7 years, after that you will have to go back for 2 years.

The only scenario, when you dont necessarily go back is if you can get in residency in the next two years, and then get a J1 waiver after residency.

Regarding how much research will help: Research duration doesnt matter. It is the publication that matters. Duration will act as a filler for you and you will have something to write in your resume which will show that you have not been sitting ideally all this time.

Hope this helps!
@ kash_md

what are the other extra measures to strengthen the application( apart from research), as u said research work not to be hold/good for community programes?

Step 3 and observerships externships at programs OP has a shot
Of matching at. He will get filtered depending on what test and scores and he needs to focus on that rather than research at the moment IMHO

What good do publications do if programs never see your application because your attempt put you on the wrong stack of applications the ones that don't get reviewed

If it was attempt at CS different scenario
what kash_md and anmol_b said is absolutely true.
research as such will not get you into residency especially if there are any red flags CV.
research is good for getting into fellowships.

realist123, if you can develop good contacts who can push your application in the hosp where you want to work in research, then it will be worth the shot. If you know for sure that the PD does-not encourage internal recommendations or if there are no IMG's then I think its a waste of time.

I am not discouraging you. Its a good option. It will help you financially etc etc. But I would say think well, do your research about the program before moving forward. if possible talk about your residency option in the research interview.
I'm at a top research place however no prospects of ever joining this IM program whether
They have one or not.

My research will make me a top applicant when I consider the 600
Or 800 that apply for fellowship.

But my chances next year depend on the push that I can get at other programs, my research while impressive I don't think will lead to more than a yawn.

I won't be running westerns or doing tissue culture in residency so I can understand the lack of excitement for my current endeveours, with that said it won't hurt especially with academic programs.

You have an attempt OP, reconcile your overall CV with your career goals and a realistic review
Of where U stand with or without research before taking any drastic decisions
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