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Full Version: When is last day to rank submit? - tawfeeq
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Dear frnz,
when is last day for us to submit the rank list? I could not find on ecfmg site.
in 40 minutes exactly.....2/25 at 9pm eastern time.
ecfmg has nothing to do with the rank order list. the NRMP handles anything related to the Match.
Thank you Dr. Sys_71082 , i feel shame that i did not see that, sorry.
Good luck for all of us. I am feeling very tense. Only 3 programs in my rank. Is only prayer from now on.
were you able to certify it in time?
yes i certify my rank. thank you for your help.
certifying your rank doesnt mean its finalized.. it needs to be verified by the nrmp for it to register on their servers..hopefully you got your s&it in on time.
xpertdoc , what you are saying please? i certify my rank on my nrmp account so why you are saying that i need to verify on nrmp server? Please you are giving me heartattack Sad
@tawdeeq- once you certify and it shows CERTIFIED, you're good. No need for extra verification. Don't know what xpertdoc is talking about.
u_mad_bro: Thank you dear brother. xpertdoc almost kill me by saying that Smile
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