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A 20 y/o previously healthy F has had a mild pharyngitis followed by a high fever over the 1day after smoking pot. Pat present to you, her skin now shows extensive areas of purpura. On PE/vital signs include temp: 102.2 F/39C, PR: 102/min, RR: 21/min, and BP: 80/55 mm Hg.

Laboratory serum panel reveal;

Na: 115 mmol/L
K: 5.3 mmol/L
Cl: 92 mmol/L
CO2: 22 mmol/L,
Glucose: 42 mg/dL
Cr 1.1 mg/dL


a)Idiopathic adrenalitis
c)Reactive systemic amyloidosis
d)Disseminated tuberculosis
e)Sheehan syndrome

My shift start nowSad later.
B. based on lab values, purpura. it cant be D E F

dec Na,dec glucose,inc K+ purpura + fever etc =Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome (WFS) or hemorrhagic adrenalitis or Fulminant meningococcemia
BBB only meningitis with purpura = neisseria
are these Q from nbme s?
)Idiopathic adrenalitis
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