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Full Version: @boardreview - shigatox22
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wanted to ask you again,

when did u recieve your diploma?

when did you send your diploma and when did ecfmg verify creds with the school?

when did you get the ecfmg cert?

and when did you apply and get approved for the state license to start residency?

i ask all this because im still waiting for my diploma and i wanna plan accordinly so i dont run a risk of making the timing bad to apply for all these

Please tell me which month you applied for all these

Big help thank you and best of success!
@shigatox....if you have not been verified by ecfmg by now, you better travel back home & expedite the process of sending your school diploma to them.
People have lost their spot after matching because they are ecfmg certified by July 1st.
I don't think NY programs require application of state license before starting residency
damn son,

Got it end of March, Certified by end of april.
State by End of May or Mid June.
Started Residency by June 12.

This notion of being kicked out is BS,

You are only kicked out if you do not have a Visa by July 1st.

hello boadreview

i was told that medical license is not needed to do residency in NY state. is it true?

btw.. this is my 1st post in this forum..i have been a silent follower for the last couple months.

there is training license, and there is state license, also NY requires you to fill the paper in order for your program and for your self to file for NPI number and DEA number if the program needs. one said anything about being kicked out of a program. Read inbeetween the lines b4 dropping unnecessary comments.

@shigatox...just like I said before, if you don't have ECFMG certificate, most programs will not allow you to start residency in July. Last year, a friend was dropped because he could not provide his ECFMG cert. The program gave him until August but when he could not, they terminated the appointment. & again, NY programs don't require state licensure.
chuckchu I do not believe you have any friends at any program.

plus go fck your self.
Boardreview go hang yourself.....fags are pigs...cock sucker
I am proud to be Gay

you state you prematched but you submitted a ROL under your other user names or was it a mistake
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