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Does anyone have the CBSE questions? Please help
Did you end up finding anything?
what is this i never heard this before
When are you taking The CBSE Shelf Exam??
CBSE is "clinical basic science exam" that can only be ordered by schools for students to take - schools require a minimum passing score, usually between 50%-75% depending on the school, or else the student faces dismissal - Can anyone chime in and help?
I am also looking for the same thing My school has the policy. so if any1 finds anything please update me too.

@napsterdawson- Do you know if the CBSE exam is same for all students like an NBME form or does it change?
There are a limited number of different forums that are used, if you have to retake it, you wont get the same one as before.
Can anyone help with CBSE Questions
@Docji - Did you end up finding anything

Can anybody help with CBSE questions
did anyone ever find questions? pls i need them i have exams coming up soon and really need the help thanks
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