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Full Version: Q 46, psy, mastery 2 - nbmeq
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i was thinking anxitey she worries about her daughter but then depression makes sense and more over elderly sld not be give BZ with butalbital.

so yes SSRI makes sense .... i think i am having brain freeze now
validation what are the symptoms of anxiety ?
captan...i am not sure, with what DX exactly this pt be labelled.

but i guess with h/o 3 days duration, can we label her a case of depression. no no, i think.
I remember reading some where that loss if interest in activities need to be present for depression apart from the regular symptoms. Is that true?
What was the right answer to this? I'm leaning more towards Clonazepam.
Only because i wouldn't use an SSRI since it actually causes insomnia itself.
definitly not MDD , so SSRI is not first step
anx sounds reasonable, acutely start with BDZ, C
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