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Full Version: post MI - april17
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A 55-year-old man is admitted to the coronary care
unit with an acute inferior MI. He reperfuses with
tPA and does well. Later that day he has an 8-beat
run of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia and
begins showing roughly 6 premature ventricular
contractions per minute on the monitor. How should
you treat him?
A. ß-blocker
B. Lidocaine
C. Procainamide
D. Amiodarone
E. Calcium channel blocker
B. Lidocaine.
im not sure of it..coz we could see PVC on reperfusion therapy...
I think I am sure.
Is 6 PVC/min worrysome? Can we just treat him with A. ß-blocker which is definitely good for MI.
yes, why not A?
im thinking if PVC occurs in reperfusion therapy why not treat him with beta-blocker.
amiodarone may be the choice bacuse there is not only ventricular tachycardia but also 6 pvc.

if there were no pvc i would have gone for lidocaine

final answer--amiodarone--not sure though
isn't it lidocaine?
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