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Full Version: Bacterial Vaginosis - kruno
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Bacterial Vaginosis

Characterized by a pungent vaginal “fish-like” odor and a thin, off-white/gray, homogenous, discharge that coats the vaginal wall.
--> Does NOT usually cause dysuria, dyspareunia, pruritus, or vaginal/vulvar inflammation. If those symptoms are present, consider co-infection.

Microscopic examination on a wet mount usually reveals clue cells. Other supportive findings include a vaginal pH >4.5 and a positive whiff-amine test.

Treated with either metronidazole or clindamycin for seven days.
-->Single dose therapy lacks efficacy in comparison.

Routine screening and treatment of all pregnant women with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis is NOT recommended.

Here's a short youtube lecture with the above info...