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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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- Rx of mild hidradenitis suppurative?
- Difference between HSV and VZV retinitis?
-H/O febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction - which specialized RBC treatment should you use for the next transfusion?
-Age of onset for neonatal chlamydia conjunctivitis and pneumonia.
Treatment of Mild Hidradenitis- Topical Clindamycin. Oral Abx for acute flares.
Neonatal Chlamydia- 5-14 days and Neonatal Pneumonia- 4-12 weeks

Not sure of the other 2.
Btw, what time zone are we operating on? I am on U.S. Central time.
Hey Sarah, I'm in pacific time zone!

@sea777--For Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction-- Washed and Leukocyte reduced Rx in next transfusion.
VZV U/L & HSV B/L retinitis, is this the answer you want?
Sarahimg has commented on rest of the two.

This observership search is terrifying..wasting a lot of time on it..But I know this is equally important..Want to finish step 3 soon so I can move on with other things in life, but these things are strong distractors and I can't focus on studying!!
It really is a HUGE distractor. I was side-tracked and didn't get much studying done this whole weekend. And finally today when I sat down to do some questions, I had lost touch with my approach to UWorld Qs that I got many of them wrong. I think, for now, studying should be the priority and only then everything else. Or, focus on observership and push the exam (which is not the best thing to do)
Yes Sarah, but I need to do both the things simultaneously otherwise nobody will be ready to give me anything immediately the next day I complete my step 3. If I actively work now then only I might get something from mid June onwards.. just trying my is pure luck!
Till now completed 450 UW questions in total.
I am doing Biostats today. Been putting it off for a while now!
@Sarahimg--Go girl! Biostatistic is absolutely necessary for this exam.

Well, I'm starting usual I wake up late and start late..I'll try to change this schedule in few days..couldn't study much for past two days. Today I want to make a use of the day as tomorrow again I'm going to meet someone which will again take an entire or at least half of the day out.

I'm starting with CCS cases. I shall read two Cases and will come back n report when I'm done Wink
Well I read two cases from Mapping CCS.

Now I'll start UW Qs after a short break.