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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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what do you think about archer qbank?
I haven't done it. I guess Kaplan Q bank would be more standard. You can ask for other opinions.
@bujji2015 i'm in the same boat like, you after finishing Uworld I took UWSA and i got 188 this was 3 weeks ago and i rescheduled my exam's the first week of June..i'm repeating uworld again now.i don't know what to do?
should i take NBME i heared it underestimate and it's not updated and i don't want to freak out right before the exam!!
@pharohqueen--You have already revised for 3 weeks, so things should be fine!

Now I'm afraid! My plan was to complete UW by 31st May and to take UWSA on 1st June.

ok..I have finished reading MTB Rhematology.
@pharaohqueen i understand what you are trying to say, i heard nbme underestimates. I'm trying to do uworld explanations again and sit for the exam.
Yes if so, don't let NBME break your confidence!

Finished total 930 Qs from UW. Tomorrow I won't be around, will start reading again on Thursday.
Starting my day..It's so difficult to catch up again after small breaks!!
doing cardio: can people recommend whr to do ECG from ? ??some one said kaplan ...isit a separate video or wht ? PLZ suggest.
Bio stat wht all resource ru guys using?
@mousmle, I am using kaplan notes for biostatics and for ekg I use ekg 4 usmle
