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Full Version: Question.........UW - angela64
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A 33-year-old man is hospitalized after his neighbors call 911 and report that he has been singing loudly and playing the piano all night for the last month. While in the hospital, the man's mood fluctuates frequently from jovial to sullen. He makes inappropriate sexual advances to some of the female nurses and claims that his ex-girlfriend is trying to communicate with him telepathically. Records from a previous admission indicate a long history of mental illness with several past hospitalizations. During previous hospitalizations, he reported hearing voices and believed he was being chased by the mafia. However, he has never experienced symptoms like his current symptoms before. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Schizophrenia, paranoid type
B. Bipolar disorder, manic episode with psychotic features
C. Schizophreniform disorder
D. Schizoaffective disorder
E. Borderline personality disorder