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28 yr man is admitted because of GI bleed.on admission he is pale and ortho hypotension.HB 8g%.his condition is stabilized emergency upper endoscopy shows visible gastric vessel,which is treated appropriately.specific additional H/o regarding which of the following is needed
item 1 of 2
1 consumption of alcoholic beverages
2 family H/o Cancer
3 source of drinking water
4 travel history
5 use of tobacco products

item 2 of 2
which of the following is the most appropriate lab study
1 antibodies for H Pylori
2 Vit B12 conc
3 ferritin conc
4 Gastrin conc
5 iron conc
Item 1 of 2== Consumption of alcoholic beverages
Item 2 of 2==Vit B12

Could you post the answers as well please ?

Thank you